
美国德克萨斯大学jian zhou团队揭示人类基因组转录启动的序列基础。这一研究成果于2024年4月26日发表在国际学术期刊《科学》上。





title: sequence basis of transcription initiation in the human genome

author: kseniia dudnyk, donghong cai, chenlai shi, jian xu, jian zhou

issue&volume: 2024-04-26

abstract: transcription initiation is a process that is essential to ensuring the proper function of any gene, yet we still lack a unified understanding of sequence patterns and rules that explain most transcription start sites in the human genome. by predicting transcription initiation at base-pair resolution from sequences with a deep learning–inspired explainable model called puffin, we show that a small set of simple rules can explain transcription initiation at most human promoters. we identify key sequence patterns that contribute to human promoter activity, each activating transcription with distinct position-specific effects. furthermore, we explain the sequence basis of bidirectional transcription at promoters, identify the links between promoter sequence and gene expression variation across cell types, and explore the conservation of sequence determinants of transcription initiation across mammalian species.

doi: adj0116


来源:科学网  小柯机器人
